Premier Liquid Floor Screed Woking




Flowing screed is another name for liquid floor screed. Prior to applying floor finish, it is intended to give a smooth, level surface in both commercial and residential structures. The smooth level finish to your newly built floor will impact the later stages of floor polishing. KM Flow Screed experts specialise in the application of liquid screed.

Liquid floor screed is composed of sand and a calcium-based binder system. Our screed installation Woking team will pour the liquid screed quickly, so it will take minimal time to dry. For the expert installation, our professionals will inject the flowing screed directly into the surface. 

Advantages of Liquid Screeds

Ease of Installation 

Our Liquid Screed Installation Woking professionals will install the liquid screeds ten times faster than the other screeds.

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Greater Insulation

Liquid screeds transfer heat more efficiently when compared with sand and cement. Due to the less volume of the screed, there is more room for thicker floor insulation. Our liquid screed contractors in Woking provide your property with greater thermal efficiency and also reduce the cost of electricity and gas bills.

Reduced labour requirement   

Liquid screeds are easy to install and hence require minimal labour to perform this task efficiently.

Fast Strengthening

Liquid screed will be sturdy enough to walk on in just 24 hours. Our liquid screed installation Woking team prevents delay in the project during the mixture strengthening process and eliminates the need for anyone accessing a site to take additional precautions.

Levels uneven surfaces

Our Flow Screeding services in Woking are best for installing liquid screeds all across the United Kingdom. As our team will readily spread the screed so that it will reach every corner of the room and evens out the bump on the floor surface.

Best option for underfloor heating

The viable solution for the underfloor heating season is liquid screed. When poured, liquid screeds completely disperse on the surface removing air bubbles and maximising conductivity.

Even Finish 

Our liquid floor screed Woking specialists will ensure no shrinkage, which reduces the risk of cracking and curling and gives a smooth finish to the surface.


Before deciding on the type of screed, you should carefully assess the amount of foot traffic you anticipate. Our liquid floor screed professionals will guarantee the durability of the product, which is another important characteristic for choosing liquid screeds. Similarly, for all commercial areas where the probability of getting heavier traffic is much greater, you should avail our professional services of liquid floor screed in Woking.

Different Types of Liquid Screed 

 Our liquid screed Installation Woking professionals offer the two major types of liquid screeds.

Anhydrite Screeds

Anhydrite binder composed of gypsum and calcium sulphate is preferred over conventional binders of cement and sand. Anhydrite screeds are prepared as self-levelling mortars of liquid consistency. It has revolutionised the screeds already used in the market. Due to the liquid consistency of the screeds, our expert services of liquid floor screed include perfectly installing the anhydrite screeds quickly. As a result of exceptional stability, strong mechanical structure, and heat conductivity, making it the ideal material to combine with underfloor heating for long-term energy savings. The smooth finish provided by anhydrite screed makes it suitable for floor finishes, such as panels, PVC flooring, and carpets.

Cementitious Screeds

The use of a high-quality screed that provides strength is the key to creating a sturdy, dependable, and long-lasting floor. Our cementitious liquid floor screed Woking is a specially formulated cement-based screed that is self-compacting and free-flowing. We provide cementitious screeds according to the architectural design with a minimum thickness of 45 mm and a maximum thickness of 80 mm. Due to the self-compacting power of cementitious screed, our expert installation will ensure that there will be no gaps around the underfloor heating pipes. Following cure, there won’t be any surface laitance.